Power Pinpoint Psychic Reading

A no b/s speed reading to get the answers you need. This reading combines oracle cards, automatic writing and message from spirit! Great for first timers or those who need answers on a troubling matter fast!

Sacred Spiritual Messages and Psychic Reading 30 Minutes

Get sacred messages to have you reflect back, move forward and guide yourself towards your healing and happiness. These readings combine a custom blend of oracle cards, tarot cards, automatic writing, loved ones that have passed and messages from spirit to get you the truth you seek!

Sacred Sonic Psychic Reading

Get sacred messages to have you reflect back, move forward and guide yourself towards your healing and happiness. These readings combine a custom blend of oracle cards, tarot cards, automatic writing, loved ones that have passed and messages from spirit to get you the truth you seek!

Reunited - Family & Spirit Team Connection (Mediumship)

See who comes through in this psychic session focused on connecting to your loved one that have passed or others from your ancestral line. Send photo of who you would like to connect with 10 minutes before your appointment to admin@amandadeltuvia.com

Soul Calling Psychic Reading

Find out your truest nature through a psychic journey of cards, messages from spirit, astrology and more. Learn about who you are, your strengths and weaknesses and your deepest dreams! We will uncover what you need to do, what you need to heal and how you need to move about in the world to achieve your biggest, brightest existence as the TRUE YOU!

In Person Power Reading

In person readings in the comfort of your own home (Monmouth or Ocean County only) or at private location in Monmouth County. Get sacred messages to have you reflect back, move forward and guide yourself towards your healing and happiness. These readings combine a custom blend of oracle cards, tarot cards, automatic writing, loved ones that have passed and messages from spirit to get you the truth you seek! If outside this vicinity, please book by emailing readings@amandadeltuvia.com. Able to travel to NYC, other areas of NJ, PA, DE and other areas/events upon request.

Psychic Gifts Intensive Coaching Session

Talk about your gifts, craft and approach to all things intuition, psychic gifts, divinity work, etc. Hone in on your sacred practice to step into your full power safely.

Highest Self Activation Coaching

Discover who you truly are, your powers and what your soul is calling for you to do in this lifetime. You deserve a full, happy life - we will create an emotional blueprint and step by step map to get you there. We only have one life - MAKE IT COUNT AND BECOME THE POWERFUL MAGNETIC PERSON YOU ARE MEANT TO BE! *A custom combination of life coaching & spiritual guidance *Healing in mind, body and spirit to allow you to reveal your most authentic self *Develop a pathway blueprint to get you to your dreams *Balance Academy Workbook Exercises as needed

Empowerment Activation & Life Calling Sacred Coaching

6 Private One on One Virtual Sessions Discover who you truly are, your powers and what your soul is calling for you to do in this lifetime. You deserve a full, happy life - we will create an emotional blueprint and step by step map to get you there. We only have one life - MAKE IT COUNT AND BECOME THE POWERFUL MAGNETIC PERSON YOU ARE MEANT TO BE! *A custom combination of life coaching & spiritual sessions. *Healing in mind, body and spirit to allow you to reveal your most authentic self *Balance Academy Workbook Exercises as needed *48-hour cancellation policy enforced unless emergency *Book Sessions Monday-Friday *Text, voice memo & email access 5 days a week (Mon-Fri) with a maximum 48-hour response window. (You can still message my work lines on the weekends but I may not respond until the next business day).
Energy Work

Reiki & Solfeggio Sound Healing Session

Balance yourself in mind, body and spirit while connecting to a higher power. Session includes Reiki, Sacred Solfeggio Tuning Fork Songs for your soul, Breathwork and Anxiety Release.

Reiki and Solfeggio Sound Healing Session

Balance yourself in mind, body and spirit while connecting to a higher power. Session includes Reiki, Sacred Solfeggio Tuning Fork Songs for your soul, Breathwork and Anxiety Release.

House Clearing, Cleansing and Blessing

Reset your space and life with an intensive home clearing! Each home receives a custom practice incorporating smudging, herbs, sound, energy work, crystal gridding and more. Signs you may need a home cleaing: If the energy feels off, someone has just passed or been very ill, you just moved, there's a heaviness in the air, you have difficulty sleeping, you see/hear/feel a presence/ghosts. *Please note this is the starting rate. Additional fees may apply depending on the energy/experiences had in the home.

E-book All About YOU! An Astrological Chart Reading

Confused on where to start on your birth chart? Unsure what signs, houses and placements mean? I am thrilled to offer this in-depth design explanation of what makes you, YOU! Get an easy to read, fun and informative e-book about YOU! With over 20 pages, we will break down your planetary and house placements. *I will also incorporate message from spirit, highlight important things your spirit team wants you to know in your chart and anything else that I channel for you that you MUST KNOW! You won't be able to find that on any chart or from any other astro reader! Chart will be created and sent in less than 1 week from your order date.

Zombie Walk Readings at The Parlour 10/19 in Keyport

I will be at The Parlour Gallery (https://www.theparlourkeyport.com/) for one day only for the annual ZOMBIE WALK! This option is ONLY AVAILABLE OCT 19th 12pm-5pm The Parlour Gallery is a space filled with oddities, antiques, crystals, candles, haunted items and more. It is a MUST SEE!